For individuals

We understand how precious your books are to you. That’s why we want to ensure they withstand the test of time.  

Whether it's a trusty recipe book you want to hand down to your granddaughter, your son's thesis you want to preserve in hard copy, the family Bible, a book chronicling your ancestors' history that you've penned yourself, or even a family photo album meant to be cherished for generations, we're here to help.

For historical and
genealogical societies

Looking to turn your research findings into something tangible? 

Once printed in one or more copies at a photocopy centre or through a printer, we can bind it into a book with your choice of cover. Contact us for a free quote. 

Typically, genealogical societies prefer regular bindings or monographs.

For hospitals, law firms and government agencies

Do you have printed materials that must be preserved for long-term accessibility to potential users? We can help. Click here for a free quote

Typically, clients in these fields often choose monographs or periodical bindings with us.